Caring for Loved Ones. Caring Resources.
With a Little Help, You Can Do This.
Caring for Loved Ones. Caring Resources.
If you are caring for a loved one, you have found an understanding and knowledgeable home in Second Act. Before we jump into a bit of guidance, take a second. Breathe. Try to relax, even if it is for just a few seconds. Caring for those who once cared for us, is an immensely rewarding yet also difficult journey. We, better than most, do understand. As you search for resources, consider breaking them down this way:
Government & Non-Profits.
There are local, state, and federal resources that may be at your disposal. The key is to know what is out there and what to ask from each one.
Family & Volunteers.
Do you have additional family that can help? You may be feeling you are shouldering most of the load. Here, we will give you some guidance on how to get willing and unwilling family, to help.
Professionals of all types.
If you are like most folks, you have a very tight budget and your loved one may have even more limited dollars. Knowing how to use profesisonals, even if it is for a few hours here and there, could make a big difference.
The Resources.
There is a mix of local and federal government resources that could possibly be helpful. We suggest you start with your local Area Agency on Aging. Equally as important is the community of professionals literally all around you that could be helpful. Here we recommend you make a call to a local Geriatric Care Manager.
We hear from families that their challenge, which may be similar to yours, is not knowing who to look for, what they do, and what to ask of them. That’s OK, that is why we are here. To shed some needed light along your care path. Each of these resources is so important that we have dedicated an entire page in our website detailing what they can do for you. These details are also included in the Care Guide we encourage you to download, below. Oh, and one more thing: as you care for your loved one, don’t forget to care for yourself. We know, it is hard to find time. Even if it is 15 minutes a day here or there, try, try, to find that time to yourself. Now back to resources:
Government & Non-Profits
Area Agencies on Aging
Adult Protective Services
Alzheimer's Resources
Hospice Care
Navigating Cancer.
CPAs & Bill Pay Help
Elder Law, Estate, Power of Attorney, and Trust
Geriatric Care Managers
Download our helpful Guide to Caring below.
The highlights here are meant to serve as the start of your research. Our guide below provides extensive additional information, links, and suggestions. We know you are busy, so we wrote it in short paragraphs. We provide you with useful checklists, from care resources to who to seek out for help and what to ask them. Download or print it out and have it handy. Because caring is a journey. And we understand.
Guide to Caring.
Government, family, professionals. Who can help me do it all.
Yes. Please send me useful knowledge related to the following checklist of professionals that can help me:
Managing and Segmenting Expenses
1. For everyone’s sake, segmenting and managing care expenses separately, is very important. Family caregivers on average nationally spend over $8,000 per year caring for a loved one.
2. If you have siblings, you should have a conversation about sharing those expenses and tracking them. Also track your hours that you are spending, especially if you are taking the lead.
3. Set up a separate checking account just for caring so that you, your family, and legal professionals, can see what has been spent and how. In the event a loved one passes away, such organization may enable you to receive some reimbursement for the expenses you fronted. An accountant could help you and your estate with such a task.
Helpful Websites. Helpful Research.
Please note: Suggested websites are unaffiliated with the Second Act. We cannot make representations or warranties as to the accuracy of websites. We hope these suggestions give you a helpful head start in your research!
Where You Live Matters
Senior Housing Net
Area Agencies on Aging
Alzheimer's Association
Reach Us
Real people. Ready to listen.
Happy to be of service, to you.
1800 Diagonal Road, Ste. 600
Alexandria, VA 22314
800 - 222 - 1425